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  "We dare not to say we are #1 SEO company in Malaysia, but we are proud to say that we are the pioneer and most experienced SEO services company in Malaysia. "

No.1 could be measured in many ways such as total number of SEO clients, website's ranking in Google or Yahoo, Years of SEO experiences etc. So it is hard to tell who is the REAL  #1 in SEO Malaysia. However, please consider below facts :

1. We have more than 8 years experiences in SEO since year 2002

2. Accumulated more than 200++ REAL and ACTIVE SEO clients.

3. Our client's range from sole proprietor to company, from private own company to governement own corporation (GOC) ,  from local company to multi-national company.

4. We were invited to have speech at MATRADE ( Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation ). Other speakers include country consultant from Google Inc,  Speaker from and

5. We have helped dozens of clients to achive better ranking in search engine and more importantly, increase more sales. Many of them successfully close more than millions of sales because of our SEO efforts.

Today, we are expanding our business to Singapore, USA, Hong Kong and Australia through the partnership with local internet marketing company.

How to choose a SEO company/consultant
There are number of SEO companies/consultants in Malaysia, and many of them are just started in this SEO business. If you are serious about SEO services, there are some factors that you need to consider :

* How long have the SEO company/consultant established ?

* Any proven records (the websites) that have been successfully listed top position in search engines ?

* How long have been the websites listed in search engines ? (more than 1 year ? )

* Are the keywords to find the websites commonly used ? ( For example, if a company selling furniture, the keywords for its website shall be " furniture supplier "  or  " furniture manufacturer " , and should not some strange words such as "furniture shop Klang" ) 

* Is the website listed in normal listing or " Sponsor Links " ?

* Is there any money back guarantee if the website is not listed in top position in search engines ?

* Are this SEO company/consultant using the "black hat" method to spam your website to get high ranking, such as domain redirection ? ( Caution : There are few SEO companies in Malaysia are doing this, your website will have risk of getting banned by search engine ! )

Please contact us now for more information. Remember, you have nothing to lose because we offer 1 year money back guarantee !

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